Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Wrinkle in Time

Madeleine L'Engle

Nice short fantasy tale. Kids Charles Wallace and Meg are pulled into a universal battle of good v. evil. They get to travel (with the help of some mysterious beings) to other planets, battle great minds telepathically, meet flying centaurs, and have a generally non-childlike adventure. This reads very much like C.S. Lewis Narnia series as an explicit Christian morality tale and is not subtle with its message. But it is easy to read and fun and I remember why I liked it as a kid.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Time Warped

Claudia Hammond

A non-fiction look at the neuro, psycho, and socio-logical underpinnings for time perception. I will admit that I only read about the first third, was moderately interested and never picked it up again. Not engaging in that it struck me as not particularly ground breaking. Note that this is based only on a first-third reading, so...