Sunday, November 20, 2022

Kris Longknife: Bold

Mike Shepard

Having been relieved from the front (protecting against the BEM), Kris is thrown back into the political fire of Longknife v Peterwald. In fact, the family squabbles in the Peterwald clan have initiated a civil war in the Greenfield planets that could be catastrophic to the human arm of the galaxy. Only Kris has the political capital with all the parties to envision a solution. Of course, there are assassins who think different. 

3 stars (out of 4

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Kris Longknife: Unrelenting

Mike Shepard

As the admiral protecting Alwa from the BEM, it seems hopeless. Yes, she is getting additional military capability from the United Sentients. But the BEM can also just lob very fast rocks through the jump points and hope one of them hits. Time to go on the offensive. 

3 stars (out of 4

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Kris Longknife: Tenacious

Mike Shepard

The BEM homeworld is found but on the way to explore, Kris has to deal with some mutineers, and help negotiate a peace between factions of a new alien species (cats... yes cats) who are also in danger of annihilation. Nothing is ever easy.

3 stars (out of 4

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Kris Longknife: Defender

Mike Shepard

Once again a legitimate sailor in the chain of command of the Navy, Kris is assigned to find the BEM homeworld. If they can be found, they can be beat before they destroy another world. 

3 stars (out of 4

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Kris Longknife: Furious

Mike Shepard

Having discovered the BEM, and stopped them (at least some of them) from destroying an entire planet, Kris finds herself charged with warcrimes. Since both the civilian and the military leadership that she answers to is led by her family, they can't really show favorites. So for the time being, she becomes a fugitive -- but still protects the galaxy while doing it.

3 stars (out of 4

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Kris Longknife: Daring

Mike Shepard

Finally Kris is sent on a mission to discover the BEM that the Itchee were fearing. And it is good she was "sent" since she was probably going anyway. Taking her small fleet on a recon-only trip, she uses Nelly's newfound ability to travel further and faster with the fuzzy jump points. What they find is truly disturbing. Should she start a war immediately? Or should she turn and run, getting the info back Wardhaven?

3 stars (out of 4