Monday, February 25, 2013

The Eyre Affair

Jasper Fforde

This is a clever book (a series actually) which takes place in the mid eighties in England. However, this is clearly an alternate universe, where England and Russia have been fighting a 100 year war in the Crimea, Wales is independent, and lots of strange things can happen. The hero is a detective named Thursday Next with a job in the Literary branch of Special Ops. The book is clever in many ways, not the least of which it is about literature and the name of the hero is such that you have to read carefully to know when you are talking about Ms. Next, or when you are talking about a subsequent thing. It turns out in the alternate England, that there is an alternate universe in every book. Next's uncle has invented a way to enter books and, in doing so, allow the visitor to actually alter the text of the book. Enter some good political commentary as a global corporation actually controls much of the government and you have nothing but fun. A nice, easy, light read.


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