Monday, June 19, 2017

Kirinyaga: A Fable of Utopia

Mike Resnick

The story of an African tribe moving to a new place (that happens to be a space station in the year 2130, but that is totally irrelevant) to create a utopia based on that tribe's founding values, shunning all things European and all results of colonization. It is told from the first person perspective of the mundumugo (the witch doctor or tribal elder or respected shaman), whose original vision it was to set up this utopia. The story takes place over the course of a decade or so, and each chapter is basically a stand-alone story that addresses a particular difficulty or challenge to the utopia. In each case, the mundumugo uses story and fable to guide the children and the elders how to think in order to maintain and enhance the cultural integrity of this utopia. And in each case, it turns out that only the mundumugo sees the bigger picture. This is a great story of power, colonization, utopia, wisdom, perspective, change, community, democracy, culture, tradition, story-telling and thinking.

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