Monday, September 3, 2012

The Housekeeper and the Professor

Yoko Ogawa

This is a great little novel that shows how passion for learning can be infectious and can change lives. The professor has a short term memory problem. So much so that his memory only lasts 80 minutes. But this started when he was in a car accident, so his memory of everything before the accident is intact. This means his professional expertise as a mathematician is retained, but it is difficult for him to sustain work on any problem. His housekeeper is assigned to be a daily caretaker, providing lunch and cleaning. What is beautiful about this book is that it is not just about the professor who is a mathematician and a housekeeper who cares for him, but it is just as much about the math. As we read and learn about the characters, we are also pulled into the passionate love for math that the professor has and communicates to the housekeeper (and to us). We learn math. And it is fascinating.


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